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    Victoria Bird's Nest Fern

    Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria'

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    Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria'

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    Victoria Bird's Nest Fern

    Victoria Bird's Nest Fern

    Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria'

    Regular price $18.95
    Regular price Sale price $18.95
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    Currently, we only deliver within California. If your order will be delivered to that state, please change your Growing Zone above or in the menu.

    Mature height
    2-3 ft.
    Mature Width
    3-4 ft.
    Sun exposure
    Growth Rate
    Grows Well in Zones
    10, 11
    View full details

    Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria' is a stunning fern with foliage unlike the typical fern. The elegant, undivided, bright green polished leaves have ruffled edges that dazzle in any home or garden.

    Bird’s Nest Ferns are popular ferns that can be grown in frost-free gardens or as a houseplant. There are several species in cultivation that are commonly called Bird’s Nest Ferns including Asplenium nidus, A. antiquum, and A. australasicum. The overlapping fronds radiate upward and outward in a rosette from the center of the fern forming a bowl-like depression in the middle that resembles a bird’s nest.

    Also known as Wavy Japanese Bird’s Nest Fern, Victoria Bird’s Nest Fern is a semi-tender fern with undulating leaf margins. This medium-sized fern is more compact and more robust with narrower fronds and a better shape than the common bird’s nest fern (A. nidus or A. australasicum).

    For a striking focal point, plant Victoria Bird’s Nest Fern in a frost-free shady location in the garden, or on the porch or patio in a pot. Can also be grown indoors in bright, indirect light.

    Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria' is a graceful fern with lush, lustrous, frilly fronds and a distinctive shape that is sure to make a statement indoors or outdoors.

    Plant Care

    Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria' prefers well-draining, fertile soil and requires regular watering to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Water the soil of the outer edge of the fern, do not apply water in the center of the fern or the “nest” as this can lead to rot. Temperature, light intensity, soil moisture, and humidity, all contribute to the stress or success of your fern.

    This fern thrives in bright, indirect light and can be grown in filtered shade. Protect from drying winds, direct sunlight, and cold temperatures.

    Asplenium nidus 'Victoria' is a semi-tender evergreen fern suited for USDA growing zones 10-11 in frost-free climates. Semi-tender ferns grow best where nighttime temperatures are mostly above 50℉, where freezing temperatures are rare. Frost may discolor, damage, or kill the fern depending on the duration of the low temperatures. Semi-tender ferns grow well in coastal California.

    Pruning is not necessary, but any dead or damaged fronds can be removed at the base to improve the plant's appearance. Protect from snails and slugs. With the right conditions, Victoria Bird’s Nest Fern is easy to grow and low maintenance in frost-free climates.

    For indoor care, keep your fern out of direct sunlight, it prefers medium to bright indirect light. Direct sunlight will burn and discolor the fronds. Consistent moisture is key, do not allow your Victoria Bird’s Nest Fern to dry out and do not overwater. Apply the water directly to the soil, do not water the “nest” in the middle of the fern. Fertilize your house fern once a month during spring and summer. House ferns grow slower inside the house than in the wild. Repot into a slightly larger pot with fresh soil if the fern is looking too large or if your fern appears to be struggling from overwatering.

    Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria' is the same plant as A. nidus ‘Victoria’, as it is sometimes incorrectly identified by a few in the trade.
    A distinguishable difference between the bird’s nest ferns, Asplenium antiquum ‘Victoria’, Asplenium nidus, and Asplenium australasicum, upon close inspection, is the shape of the midrib as seen from both sides of the frond. Asplenium antiquum’s midrib is rounded, equal height and depth on both sides of the frond. The midribs of the other species are more elongated on one side. Asplenium australasicum has a deeply elongated midrib on the underside of the frond. Asplenium nidus has a taller elongated midrib on the topside of the frond.

    Delivery day

    Flat Rate
    All orders have a flat rate delivery fee of $40.

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    Q: Why is my Bird’s Nest Fern wilting?
    A: Bird’s Nest Ferns need consistent moisture. Wilting can be caused by either lack of water, overwatering, or incorrect watering. Tempting as it is to water in the middle of the fern, watering the “nest” leads to rot. Water the soil around the outer edges into the fern.

    Q: Why are the leaves of my Bird’s Nest Fern pale yellowish-green?
    A: Your fern may be exposed to too much light or is in direct sunlight which can result in pale, yellowish leaves. Move the fern to a location with medium indirect light.

    Q: Why are the leaves of my Bird’s Nest Fern brown at the edges?
    A: Brown edges on the leaves of the Bird’s Nest Fern are generally caused by underwatering, temperature is too cold, or air is too dry. Consistent soil moisture is best, not wet soggy soil. Keep your fern away from air conditioners, heaters, vents, or drafty windows that will alter the temperature and humidity levels.

    California grown
    • At Plants Express, we specialize in delivering the highest quality plants grown specifically for California's unique climate and conditions.

    • Our plants are hand-selected by our team of experts to ensure that only the best plants are procured for our customers.

    • We monitor each plant from the moment it's selected until the moment it arrives at your location to ensure that it arrives in the best possible condition.


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